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To book one of my services or purchase artwork , click on one of the services for more details.

Creative Counselling
The Creative Counselling program for the woman who knows she’s ready to restore her emotional balance, find her inner calm, improve her relationships and feel resilient in any situation You. Me. Together we can bring about massive change to your wellbeing so that you feel yourself smile from the inside out each day – Your happiness and relationships are priceless. Give me 8 weeks and together we will get rid of the stress and anxiety that currently has you feeling heavy and flat with lifelong skills to navigate life’s challenges and me in your corner supporting you through each step. It’s not your fault that you feel lost, confused, or filled with stress and mental clutter. You were never taught how to deal with the stress and anxiety life throws your way. And it’s not just you!
Clarity Mapping
USD$120.00 -
Clay Handbuild – Large Mermaid – 4 weeks- Thursday Evening 17th Novemeber
USD$200.00 -
Clay Handbuilding – Dragon Sculpture- 2.5hr Saturday Novemebr 12th
USD$70.00 -
Clay Handbuilding – Mermaid Sculpture- 2.5hr Saturday Novemebr 19th
USD$70.00 -
Clay Handbuilding Moulded dishes – 2.5hr Saturday November 26th
USD$70.00 -
Soul Essence Portrait
USD$220.00 -
Creative Counselling – 8 week program
USD$697.00 -
Open Heart Healing Cards – Oracle Deck